1. In Terry Schiavo's case, is the provision of food and water through a feeding tube an “extraordinary means” for sustaining life? Was the removal of the feeding tube tantamount to “causing” her death, or simply to “removing an obstacle to death” which in the first place had already started creeping into her?
2. Why is “freedom” (or the idea that is free) a fundamental requirement in/for morality? Do you see any “parallelism” between Kantian ethics and Existentialism with regards to the conception of freedom in each? Why or why not? What are the similarities or the differences?
3. After careful considerations of the various ethical theories/views we discussed, what “personal moral system or code” can you come up with and which you can adopt? Be sure to talk about the values, precepts/ideas, and other elements that should comprise this “personal moral system or code”. Include your conception of freedom and accountability in this given moral system and your view of what it means to be a moral individual.